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Sign Up Another Colegio privado desde 1 año a la Universidad C/ Turquía, 13, 28043 Fuenlabrada for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) secondary education (12-16 years old) high school (over 16 years old)
Reggio Emilia approach Colegio privado en Madrid desde 0 a 18 años Calle San Enrique de Ossó, 48 , 28054 Madrid for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) secondary education (12-16 years old) high school (over 16 years old)
Forest-School Grupo de Juego en la Naturaleza for children (over 2-3 years old)
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View map Comunidad de Madrid Madrid Forest-School Escuela bosque en Madrid capital C/ Alfonso Fernandez Clausells,1, 28035 Madrid for children (over 2-3 years old) A learning space immersed in nature for boys and girls from 2 to 6 years old during school hours,... info Another Escuela de pedagogía activa respetuosa c/ Duque de Tamames, 4 . 28043 Madrid., 28043 Madrid for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) info Free Escuela de educación infantil y primaria Avda Casa Quemada, 5, 28027 Madrid for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) The Escuela del Pez Luna is a novel kindergarten and primary education project for children... info Free Espacio de acompañamiento respetuoso bilingüe Avenida Velazquez número 4, Local 4, 28521 Rivas Vaciamadrid for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) info Another Escuela pública de Educación Infantil C/ Hijas de Jesus, 30, 28026 Madrid for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) info Another Espacio para la Educación Integral de la Familia Paseo Maria Lejarraga, 6, Barrio Buenavista (Sector 3), 28905 Getafe for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for babies accompanied info Free Escuela Activa c/San Lorenzo, 33, entrada por c/Palacios, 28791 Soto del Real for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) La Matriz Learning Community places the focus of learning on the initiative and real experience... info Another Espacio de acompañamiento y crianza respetuosa Calle Fermín Caballero 85, Bajo a, 28035 Madrid for babies (up to 2-3 years old) Childminders info Another Escuela activa homologada Calle María Zayas 8, 28039 Madrid for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) secondary education (12-16 years old) for babies accompanied Madrid Active School was created by a group of international parents and teachers. A referent in... info Another Espacio de aprendizaje en la naturaleza Dehesa de Fuentelámparas, Entre Zarzalejo y Robledo, 28294 Robledo de Chavela for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) for babies accompanied info Another Trabajo por proyectos Av. Reyes Católicos 35, Getafe for children (over 2-3 years old) info Montessori 0-6 Pedagogía Montessori Calle Torreperegrinos 4, 28250 Torrelodones for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) Moma Nature Montessori is a 0 to 6 preschool based on Montessori pedagogy, but open to all active... info Montessori Centro trilingüe Montessori:español,inglés y chino Avenido de Burgos 8 A, 28036 Madrid for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) Montessori Baby House is the first children's center that combines the Chinese concept of early... info Montessori Escuela Infantil Montessori 0-3 años Avd. Isabel de Farnesio, 2, 28660 Boadilla del Monte for babies (up to 2-3 years old) Montessori Boadilla is a 0-3 CAM approved nursery school. Our project was born in 2016 with the... info Montessori Escuela Montessori (English) Calle Sierra Nevada 6, 28760 Tres Cantos for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) info
Project that is currently looking for families and/or teachers
Projects that offers internships.
Projects with volunteer program (contact them to see conditions).
Projects with educators interested in exchanging experiences with educators of another projects (contact them to see conditions).
Projects that offers families the opportunity of visit them (contact them to see conditions).
AUTO-MANAGED: Schools managed collectively by educators and families, there is no vertical structure: decision making is carried out democratically and responsibilities are assumed by the whole educational community.