Sorry, this project is no longer in Ludus.
Anyway we think these may interest you as well ;-)
Moma Nature Montessori is a 0 to 6 preschool based on Montessori pedagogy, but open to all active learning pedagogies that help our children learn and thrive. Montessori and other active learning is based on the fact that each child is a fully...
The extension of a home, warm and welcoming environment, where children can move freely and develop their autonomy. Evolve and grow in the state of absolute happiness that comes with a respected childhood. Our school aims to ensure that boys and...
¿A qué edad se debería dejar de usar el pañal?, ¿No sabes cómo gestionar las rabietas?, ¿Cómo poner límites sin recurrir a castigos? Consulta a una asesora en crianza respetuosa