- Free
Maisha Creciendo junt@s
Escuela activa
- Calle Colón , 16 D, 10491 Talaveruela de la Vera
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Another
El Ardal
Escuela Activa y vivencial de Infantil y Primaria
- Senda del Ardal, 4, 28708 San Sebastián de los Reyes
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- Montessori
Grant Vela School
Colegio Internacional
- Portal Arriaga, 66, 01013 Vitoria
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
We take care of the education of the little ones, with a forest school integrated in the center, real learning, movement Pickler from 0 to 3 years, pampering in the emotional care of our childhood. We create spaces full of resources using the art...
- Cataluña / Catalunya
- Barcelona
Escola Dovella
AnotherEscola compromesa amb les persones i amb la societat
- Mallorca, 593, 08026 Barcelona
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola Entença
AnotherEscola pública
- C/Viladomat 244, Barcelona
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola Fluvià
AnotherEscola pública
- Carrer de Fluvià, 60, Barcelona
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola Gabriel Castellà
AnotherEscola bosc pública
- Igualada
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola Ítaca
AnotherEscola pública compromesa i acollidora
- Carretera del Pont de Vilomara, 131-141, 08241 Manresa
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola Joaquim Ruyra
Learning-ComunityComunitat d'aprenentatge
- c/ Llorer s/n, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola La Llacuna del Poblenou
AnotherEscola pública
- Carrer de Pallars, 207, 08005 Barcelona
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola Les Pinediques
AnotherEscola pública
- C/ Ramon Pou, s/n, 08552 Taradell
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Escola Muntanyola
Democratic EducationEscola rural, educació activa ,emocional i per projectes
- Carrer dels Esports S/N, 08529 Muntanyola
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Escola Nabí
AnotherInfantil i Primària Freinet
- Carrer Elisa Moragas i Badia, 38, 08017 Barcelona
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Escola Natura
MontessoriMontessori ECO-forest school 1-12 anys
- Carrer Pirineu 27, 08755 Castellbisbal
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Escola Octavio Paz
AnotherEl nostre compromís és innovar per garantir l'èxit educatiu i personal de tots els infants
- Carrer Mallorca, 657 , Barcelona
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Escola Polinyà
FreeEscola pública lliure i activa
- Carrer Lleida, s/n, 08213 Polinyà
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Escola Riera de Ribes
AnotherUna escola per tothom
- Av. Onze de setembre, s/n, 08810 Sant Pere de Ribes
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Escola Teresa Altet
AnotherCentre referent del treball de valors
- C/ Mallorca SN, 08191 Rubi
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- Barcelona