Sorry, this project is no longer in Ludus.
Anyway we think these may interest you as well ;-)
Ecopedagogy is an educational philosophy and practice that integrates ecological awareness, environmental justice, and sustainability into teaching and learning. Rooted in critical pedagogy, it encourages learners to critically examine their...
Escoleta dels Indians is a respectful space that welcomes children from 14 months to 3 years. We feel that education should be a shared task between families and educators. Families and educators respect the life processes of children, their way...
Our school is based on the principles of Waldorf Pedagogy and has as pillars the freedom, creativity and autonomy of students. We are in Collserola, in an ideal environment to grow and learn surrounded by nature and outdoors. Our pedagogical...
¿A qué edad se debería dejar de usar el pañal?, ¿No sabes cómo gestionar las rabietas?, ¿Cómo poner límites sin recurrir a castigos? Consulta a una asesora en crianza respetuosa