Another education is ALREADY possible

Selection of educational and non-sexist toys teenagers

Ajedrez vikingo

Ajedrez vikingo
Ages: + 5



Ages: + 10

#science and technology

Slackline Set

Slackline Set


Robot Lego programable

Robot Lego programable
Ages: + 10

#science and technology




The Creativity Hub Rory's Story Cubes

The Creativity Hub Rory's Story Cubes
Ages: + 4

#board games




Érase Una Vez - El juego de cartas narrativo

Érase Una Vez - El juego de cartas narrativo
Ages: + 8

#board games

Haynes Internal Combustion Engine

Haynes Internal Combustion Engine
Ages: + 10

#science and technology

Torre de Froebel

Torre de Froebel
Ages: 5 - 99


Bone / Jeff Smith

Bone / Jeff Smith Ages: + 6


LEGO Technic

LEGO Technic
Ages: + 8



Ages: + 4

#board games

Un hilo me liga a vos / Beatriz Giménez de Ory

Un hilo me liga a vos / Beatriz Giménez de Ory Ages: + 12


¿En qué mundo vives? Libromural de la Naturaleza

¿En qué mundo vives? Libromural de la Naturaleza


Papel para origami

Papel para origami


Crónicas de Narnia / C. S. Lewis

Crónicas de Narnia / C. S. Lewis
Ages: + 11


Torre de colores

Torre de colores
Ages: + 7

#board games

La conquista de los polos

La conquista de los polos Ages: + 11


Menos es Max

Menos es Max Ages: + 11

#board games

Cama elástica

Cama elástica


Yo, Leonardo / Ralph Steadman

Yo, Leonardo / Ralph Steadman

https://librosdelzorrorojo.... Ages: + 10


You've seen the selection for teenagers.
Visit the complete guide.
This guide has been created in order to help you to find non-sexist and educational gifts, designed to help children to develop their creativity.

Beyond pink and blue

We live in a society in which many limiting prejudices still persist. Still some people give trucks to boys and dolls to girls. The toy catalogs don't help, with their blue section and their pink section.

Why corsetee the children for being born boy or girl? Is it going to help them to be happier, to develop empathy, to have more possibilities... or just the opposite? A lot of girls love kitchenettes, and that's so great as if they like skateboarding, or if the boys enjoy cooking too. Only in the minds of some people this is not valid, because they reproduce limitations that they instilled in themselves in childhood.

Let's review our biases. The way we were raised is the first we have known, but it doesn't mean it's better. How many things do we stop doing so as not to disappoint expectations? How many girls could have been wonderful surgeons, how many boys would have become magnificent dancers, if prejudice had not crossed their paths?

We must free childhood. Let the boys express their sensitivity and the girls play action games, whenever they want. The games can be used both to reproduce molds and to break them. Toys allow to rehearse different roles, release tension; they express the inner world and allow to experience new ones.

Toys haven't sex: when they are used in an exclusive way, it is because they are reproducing the society in which they have emerged. On the opposite, when games are freely chosen, they become a tool that encourages self-knowledge and co-education. Equal opportunities must begin in childhood. We musn't educate polarized creatures, limiting girls to care and boys to action. Help them to develop a critical thinking.

We have created this selection to give ideas, to show toys that go beyond the clichés. 

Playing allows children the possibility of imagining and creating freely: don't limit your daughter, your grandson, your niece... just because they were born a boy or a girl.

¿A qué edad se debería dejar de usar el pañal?, ¿No sabes cómo gestionar las rabietas?, ¿Cómo poner límites sin recurrir a castigos? Consulta a una asesora en crianza respetuosa
