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Sign Up Another Escola Pública Viva e Activa Gándara 8, Peitieiros, Gondomar, 36389 Gondomar for children (over 2-3 years old)
Another Espacio de aprendizaje Activo en la Naturaleza Carretera Salgueiro 36, bajo, 36316 Vincios, Gondomar for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) for babies accompanied
Galicia La Coruña/A Coruña Another Colexio rural agrupado Lugar da Esfarrapa, 52 , 15147 Coristanco for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) info Montessori Montessori and Active International School Camino De La Colina, 18, 15008 A Coruña for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) info Free Escuela Infantil N-VI, km. 9, 15165 Bergondo for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) info Lugo Learning-Comunity Comunidad de aprendizaje C/ Dos Nenos S/N, Castroverde for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) info Pontevedra Another Centro Referente en Educación en Derechos de Infancia UNICEF S/N, Rúa Herminia Fariña, 36968 Meaño for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) info Another Escola Pública Viva e Activa Gándara 8, Peitieiros, Gondomar, 36389 Gondomar for children (over 2-3 years old) info Another Centro Educativo Creativo Rúa Gondomar nº48, 36740 Tomiño for children (over 2-3 years old) info Forest-School Espacio de aprendizaje vivencial Rúa do Grilo, 1ºB, 36350 Nigrán for babies (up to 2-3 years old) for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) info Another Escuela pública rural for children (over 2-3 years old) info Another Espacio de aprendizaje Activo en la Naturaleza Carretera Salgueiro 36, bajo, 36316 Vincios, Gondomar for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) for babies accompanied info Another Escuela activa y vivencial Moreiras 1, 36388 Gondomar for children (over 2-3 years old) elementary school (6-12 years old) Gandara International School was born out of a need to find an alternative model in the area,... info Project that is currently looking for families and/or teachers
Projects that offers internships.
Projects with volunteer program (contact them to see conditions).
Projects with educators interested in exchanging experiences with educators of another projects (contact them to see conditions).
Projects that offers families the opportunity of visit them (contact them to see conditions).
AUTO-MANAGED: Schools managed collectively by educators and families, there is no vertical structure: decision making is carried out democratically and responsibilities are assumed by the whole educational community.