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Anyway we think these may interest you as well ;-)
Accredited Educational Center by the USA and authorized by the Community of Madrid with Center Code: 28081480 for Early Childhood Education (second cycle) and Primary Education. In our school, the main objective is to provide children with a...
Moma Nature Montessori is a 0 to 6 preschool based on Montessori pedagogy, but open to all active learning pedagogies that help our children learn and thrive. Montessori and other active learning is based on the fact that each child is a fully...
Madrid Active School was created by a group of international parents and teachers. A referent in active learning (after the model developed by Mauricio and Rebeca Wild, with influence from other projects like Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and forest...
¿A qué edad se debería dejar de usar el pañal?, ¿No sabes cómo gestionar las rabietas?, ¿Cómo poner límites sin recurrir a castigos? Consulta a una asesora en crianza respetuosa