Waldorf schools look like something out of a fairy tale, with their pastel colours, felt figures and the abundance of natural elements in the classroom. The reason is that their creator, Rudolf Steiner, defended that during the first seven years the child's fantasy must be stimulated, in addition to allowing him to move.This could remind us of free schools, but in Waldorf everything is more regulated: the rhythms are very marked, alternating moments of expansion -free play, excursions to the forest- with others of concentration -drawing, making bread, listening to stories.
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- Waldorf
Jardín de Infancia Waldorf-Steiner
- Urbanización Puertosol, Calle Retama, 20 , 29190 Málaga
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Waldorf
Tretzevents Waldorf-Steiner
Centre d’ESO de Pedagogia Waldorf a La Floresta
- Passatge Segalà, 13, 08198 Sant Cugat del Vallès
- secondary education (12-16 years old)
Our school is based on the principles of Waldorf Pedagogy and has as pillars the freedom, creativity and autonomy of students. We are in Collserola, in an ideal environment to grow and learn surrounded by nature and outdoors. Our pedagogical...
- Waldorf
El Farol
Escuela Waldorf-Steiner Internacional
- C/ Liebre, 2 - Urb. Cerrado de Calderón, 29018 Málaga
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Our school is born out of our commitment with our children's education, from the perspective of giving them an education for life. The main objective is the comprehensive and harmonious growth of our children, helping them to unleash their...
- Andalucía
- Cádiz
Escuela Waldorf Cádiz
WaldorfEscuela de primaria e infantil. Pedagogía Waldorf
- Calle Cuatro Pinos, 36, Bj, 11500 El Puerto de Santa María
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- Granada
Arbol Madre Holistic Educational Project
WaldorfAsociacion Cultural Montessori Alpujarras
- Ctra. A 348, km 18 s/n, 18400 Orgiva
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Málaga
WaldorfJardín de Infancia Waldorf-Steiner
- Urbanización Puertosol, Calle Retama, 20 , 29190 Málaga
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
El Farol
WaldorfEscuela Waldorf-Steiner Internacional
- C/ Liebre, 2 - Urb. Cerrado de Calderón, 29018 Málaga
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- Sevilla
Escuela Internacional Waldorf Sevilla Girasol
WaldorfEscuela Internacional Waldorf Sevilla Girasol
- Urbanización Java I, 14, 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
Hogar waldorf inclusivo
WaldorfEducadora waldorf Pedagoga Curativa Madre de día
- calle Pinzón número 8 esquina calle Alfarería, 41010 Barrio de Triana
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Childminders
- Cádiz
- Aragón
- Zaragoza
Asociación O Farol
WaldorfIniciativa Waldorf
- Camino Caidero, 2, 50011 Zaragoza
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- Zaragoza
- Cantabria
- Cantabria
Escuela Rafael
- C/ El Ferial 3, 39620 Saron
- secondary education (12-16 years old)
- Cantabria
- Castilla y León
- Valladolid
Escuela Waldorf Valladolid "El Puente Azul".
WaldorfMaternal / Infantil / Primaria
- Carretera Arcas Reales Km 3, 47008 Valladolid
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- for babies accompanied
- Valladolid
- Cataluña / Catalunya
- Barcelona
Arrel, Espai De Joc Waldorf
WaldorfEspacio de juego Waldorf (1-6 años)
- Carrer Garraf 6, Canyelles, Barcelona, 08811 Canyelles
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
Rosa d'Abril
WaldorfCentre d'Educació Infantil Waldorf-Steiner
- Carrer de Natzaret, 66, casa, 08035 Barcelona
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- for babies accompanied
Tretzevents Waldorf-Steiner
WaldorfCentre d’ESO de Pedagogia Waldorf a La Floresta
- Passatge Segalà, 13, 08198 Sant Cugat del Vallès
- secondary education (12-16 years old)
- Gerona/Girona
Set estrelles
WaldorfEspai d'acompanyament a la criança
- Carrer Sant Agustí 20, Girona
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Tarragona
L'Espiral - Espai de Joc Waldorf
WaldorfAcompanyament infantil Waldorf en la natura
- Horta de Sant Joan
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Barcelona
- Comunidad de Madrid
- Madrid
Escuela Libre Micael
WaldorfEscuela Waldorf
- Carretera de La Coruña, km. 21,3 , 28230 Las Rozas
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- secondary education (12-16 years old)
- high school (over 16 years old)
- Madrid