Free schools can be very different from each other, depending on their referents (Summerhill, Sudbury, El Pesta...). The ideas of Rebeca Wild, the basis of many of these projects, defend the importance of freedom and limits for a healthy development of creatures. Freedom to experiment, to make mistakes, to follow their interests. But also rules, few but clear, since just as the child is worthy of respect, he must learn that others also deserve it.
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- Free
Los Niños Del Mango - Tree School
Espacio educativo No directivo
- La Herradura (Granada), 18697 La Herradura
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Free
La Llavor De La Selva
Acompanyament respectuós i educació viva
- Mas Can Remilans Massanes
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Free
El Nido de Ópera
Espacio infantil y familiar
- Calle Arrieta, 28013 Madrid
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Valencia / Comunitat Valenciana
- Alicante/Alacant
Mi Pequecuario
FreeMadre de día | Educación respetuosa
- Calle Deportista Joaquín Blume, 21, 03008 Alicante
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- Childminders
Pepitas de tomate
FreeMadre de día en un entorno natural con animales
- Partida Borratxina 38, España, 03110 Mutxamel
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- Childminders
- Castellón/Castelló
Quatre Camins
FreeCol·legi educació activa
- Avda. Vila-Real Núm. 50, 12006 Castelló De La Plana
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- Valencia/València
Els Donyets
FreeEscuela libre 3-18 grupos embarazo parto crianza
- C/Masquefa 64 bajo, 46540 Valencia
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- secondary education (12-16 years old)
- high school (over 16 years old)
- for babies accompanied
Escuela Libre Tierra de Niñas y Niños
FreeEspacio de aprendizaje en libertad.
- bosque, naturaleza 46110 Godella
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- elementary school (6-12 years old)
- secondary education (12-16 years old)
- for babies accompanied
Niu De Llavors
FreeApoyo a la crianza y crecimiento personal
- Espacio en plena naturaleza Marchuquera (Gandia), Gandia
- for babies (up to 2-3 years old)
- for children (over 2-3 years old)
- for babies accompanied
- Alicante/Alacant