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Open House for Children's House and Elementary

Ya realizado

06/04/24 12:00 - 06/04/24 14:00

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CITY COUNTRY SCHOOL, American Montessori School in Madrid since 2012, invites you to their OPEN HOUSE for Children's House and Elementary.

When? Saturday, April 6, 2024 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Where? Avenida Juan Andrés 19, 28035 Madrid

What? You will visit the prepared environments, talk with Montessori guides of the different stages and enjoy a homemade breakfast.

Send us an email to info@citycountryschool.org or call +34 91 373 8695
to reserve your place or for more information.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


City Country School


  • Avenida Juan Andrés 19, 28035 Madrid
  • Madrid (Madrid)


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